About us
XGeo was founded in 2003 by Yuri Roslov and Andrea Zerilli, whose research interests involved inverse problems of prospecting geophysics – seismics (Roslov) and electrical explorations (Zerilli). The company's mission is development of software for geophysical data processing on the x86/Windows platform; it is located in St Petersburg, Russian Federation.
Since its foundation, XGeo has delivered custom-made software, both as an outsourcing service, and on the open market. The seismic tomography product line Firstomo – XTomo 1 – XTomo-LM 2 – XTomo-LM 3 was the main company's output in 2008 − 2015. Its development had been motivated and strongly influenced by a series of geophysical investigations of the Russian Arctic shelf in 1998 - 2010. More information can be found here.
Now XTomo-LM 3 is not only a seismic tomography tool. Additionally, it implements inversion algorithms for diving, reflected and head wave traveltime curves and so can be applied for interpretation of the layer model. A recent application XMF − Kinematic Seismic Model Fitter − is a platform for "manual" fitting a layered model to wave field on a set of CSP seismograms. Used together, XTomo-LM 3 and XMF prove to be a powerful means of solving two-dimensional inverse problem.
Another important field of activity at XGeo is preprocessing of records of ocean bottom seismographs (OBS). In Russia, seismic surveys with OBS had been popular long before big western companies started deliveries of turnkey OBS measurement systems. XGeo software was made to order for several different OBS models. Records of those seismographs usually needed some specific preprocessing before they could be input into a seismic processing system. Later, on the base of that experience, the commercial product X-OBSExpress was developed as a means of preprocessing for areal spreads of "abstract" OBS's. The product was designed for Russian users.
From the date of foundation and up to the beginning of 2015 the company was directed by Yuri Roslov. He was also its scientific adviser and main geophysicist. Just after the foundation, Alexander Vinnik and Anna Kopylova joined the company as leading specialists in provision of mathematical support, software design and development. At present, the company is directed by Irina Roslova.