What's new in XMF?


The first XMF version offered the environment and basic tools for fitting two-dimensional model, but no technology of fitting. XMF 2 contains such technological component, which allows building a two-dimensional model by means of approximating it with a set of one-dimensional sections, each one being fitted to a wave field of one seismogram. This component is called preliminary study, or pre-study. The name hints on that the best moment to apply it is just after creation of the initial model.  Fitting one-dimensional section is comparatively easy, because it is based on simplified standard models associated with the wave types. All standard models use one-dimensional velocity distribution. The pre-study user interface is designed in the way to provide trying a great amount of variants within short time. More details can be found on this page and, certainly, in the documentation that can be downloaded from the "Trial Editions" page.



Corrections and additions of the new release concern viewing seismograms (module Line Seismogram Viewer, LSV).  Default setting dialog has been changed; now the settings are stored automatically in the project folder. Therefore, the default view settings are always adjusted to the type of seismic records in a project seismograms.

Unfortunately, LSV allows viewing seismograms only from XMF projects and after positional data have been input. To work around this inconvenience, a new program, Seismic Multi-Viewer, has been added to XMF. It is similar to LSV and allows viewing seismograms (and any SEG-Y/PC files) outside XMF projects. It has its own item in the Start/XMF menu and a desktop icon.